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Don’t Wait. Vaccinate!

Vaccines play a vital role in protecting our communities against deadly diseases. It’s important to understand without continued immunity, many of these life-threatening diseases could likely re-appear, potentially turning into an epidemic. You don’t have to get all your vaccines at the same time. Some can be spaced out.

Not only are vaccines important for the health of yourself, your family, and your community, but it’s essential to protect those with weaker immune systems, such as babies, older adults, and those with serious illnesses who can’t be vaccinated. These populations are more vulnerable to diseases that can cause further complications and even death.

Become a New Patient

October COVID-19 & Flu Vaccine Clinics

Call your nearest CHP clinic to schedule an appointment for your COVID-19 and flu vaccines. No walk-ins will be accepted.

Vaccinations will be available on the following days at each clinic:

CHP Livingston

Call: 406.222.1111

Wednesday 10/16: 9 - 3PM

Wednesday 10/23: 9 - 3PM

CHP Belgrade

Call: 406.924.5754

Tuesday 10/15: 9 - 3PM

Tuesday 10/22: 9 - 3PM

Tuesday 10/29: 9 - 3PM

CHP Bozeman

Call: 406.585.1360

Wednesday 10/16: 9 - 3PM

Wednesday 10/23: 9 - 3PM

Vaccines are available at CHP,
often at little to no cost to you!

Make an appointment at the CHP clinic nearest you to receive any of the following vaccinations.

  • COVID-19 Initial Series

  • COVID-19 Bivalent booster

  • Flu shot

  • Hib - Haemophilus influenzae type b

  • Hepatitis A

  • Hepatitis B

  • HPV - Human Papillomavirus

  • IPV - Polio

  • Meningococcal - Meningitis

  • MMR - Mumps, measles, rubella

  • PCV13 - Pneumococcus

  • PCV20 - Pneumococcal

  • PPSV23 - Pneumococcal

  • RV - Rotavirus

  • Tdap - Tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis

  • Td - Tetanus, diptheria

  • Varicella - Chickenpox

Vaccine Myths: Busted

Myth: Vaccines can make you sick.

Some people can experience mild side effects from some vaccines, such as soreness at the injection site or a low-grade fever, but they dissipate quickly. According to WHO, serious side effects from vaccines rarely occur. In fact, many adverse effects are so rare that their risk cannot be accurately assessed statistically.

Myth: Vaccines contain toxic ingredients.

Some vaccines contain ingredients like formaldehyde and aluminum, but these trace amounts are so small that they're not considered toxic or harmful.

The gelatin and egg proteins featured in some flu vaccines can cause allergic reactions in very rare cases. Those affected typically have a history of severe allergies to gelatin or eggs. If you have an allergy to any of the ingredients in the vaccine, talk to your doctor or the person administering your vaccine.

Myth: Natural immunity is healthier and more effective than vaccine-induced immunity.

Vaccines allow you to build immunity without the damaging effects that vaccine-preventable diseases can have.

These diseases can cause serious health problems and even be life-threatening. For example, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) can cause intellectual disability, and measles can lead to death. All of these effects can be avoided by simply getting vaccinated.

Myth: We don't get vaccine-preventable diseases in the United States.

Diseases that were once common in the United States, like measles or polio, are now rare or even eliminated completely because generations of people were vaccinated to protect themselves and their communities.

In our globalized world, the potential exposure to vaccine-preventable diseases is only a plane ride away. In all of human history, smallpox is the only disease to be eradicated from the planet completely.

Myth: Vaccines can cause autism.

Vaccines don't cause autism.

This claim stems from a discredited and retracted study that linked the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine to autism. Unfortunately, this flawed study has kicked off a resilient storm of misinformation. Hundreds of studies across the globe have shown time and time again that there is no connection.

Myth: Vaccines are used to microchip people.

There are some claims that vaccines are or will be used to microchip people so they can be tracked or controlled through 5G cell phone towers. This is not only false but impossible. Evidence suggests that this conspiracy theory was spread by people seeking to sow disinformation and confusion among Americans.